Our Packages

Our mission is to create an empowering space with tools and resources to embody your own conscious evolution through pregnancy, birth & postpartum. We emphasize the reclamation of your sovereign body, the connection within to rediscover your own innate wisdom. We work to create a dance between the divine masculine & feminine energy, to explore the womb of creation, and to co-create sacred intentions when bringing life into this world. 

Birth Visualization Package

Birth in Power - Heal the world

Dive deep and explore your own desires, fears & obstacles as you prepare for your birth. This package includes:

  • Full workbook with information on medical rights & freedoms, options & tools during labour and birth, and several journal prompts to work through during your pregnancy

  • Guided meditation to visualize your upcoming birth - a great tool to help prepare your space - emotional and physical.

  • Follow-up session with one of our doulas to go over any questions or thoughts that came up during your journey!



All packages include resources, connections to professionals and lifetime within our community of women & mothers.

Birth packages include Birth Visualization Workbook & meditation.


Birth SUpport

Investment: $1500

  • 4 Hours of Prenatal Support (Birth visualization included)

  • Ongoing Text/Phone support from weeks 38+

  • Full Labour & Birth Attendance

  • 3 Hours of Postpartum Support


Birth & Postpartum Support

Investment: $1900

  • 6 Hours of Prenatal Support (Birth visualization included)

  • Ongoing Text/Phone support from weeks 38+

  • Full Labour & Birth Attendance

  • 12 Hours of Postpartum Support (Three Separate Visits)


shared care Doula

Investment: $1550

4 Hours Prenatal Support collaborated amongst two doula’s!

Full Labour and Birth Attendance

Ongoing Text/Phone support from weeks 38+

3 Hours of Postpartum Support (with option to add more!)


Our postpartum support includes:

  • Emotional, Physical & Spiritual/Energetic Support

  • Yoga, Meditation & Energetic Healing for mom & baby

  • Daily Baby Support with diaper changes, Breast or bottle feeding

  • Newborn education

  • Light chores/Meal Prep

Hourly $25-$45

12 Hours $480

30 Hours $1125

Overnights (10pm-6am) $300


Our services are offered on a sliding scale - the prices above reflect the fair price for our team to be compensated for our time.

If finances are an obstacle, we are here to support however we can.

If finances are flowing to you, consider giving an amount in sponsorship of our time with women in the community who are unable to afford our services. 

What people are saying


“Chantelle has truly been a blessing. My son was born July 20th 2021 with my favourite person and such a great friend by my side !!!”

“Tasha was my postpartum doula. She was kind and had great expertise to answer all of my questions as an anxious first time mom. I also trusted her with my baby while I would attend to household tasks which is saying a lot! She also helped with the pile ups of laundry and dishes! She was a great support system and I would recommend her to any mom who needed postpartum support.”